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Analogue Dialogue, an avant-garde Polaroid photography exhibition
Analogue Dialogue, an avant-garde Polaroid photography exhibition

Analogue Dialogue, an avant-garde Polaroid photography exhibition


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The exhibition, part of the ‘365 Series,’ showcases the creations of Vijaya Rajendra Barge, a leading artist who has been exploring a certain theme and a medium every year since 2017. “Analogue Dialogue is an ineffable journey of 365 days, each day plucked, nicked and tucked away for remembrance. She tried to capture unrehearsed moments from her life like morsels from daily bread. Each frame is an original, unadulterated, random, sometimes silly artefact from her everyday log. You can see it, and you can remember how it feels. You can hold it for umpteen number of times to reveal the untampered colour and texture and yet leave it tampered with smudges of your fingertips

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