Top 4 Trends Which Shaped The Event Industry Last Year


Businesses have shared an intimate relationship with the event industry and will continue to do that in 2020. It won’t be wrong to say that expect the innovation in technology to continue ruling the event industry. It enables wondrous experiences and value for time and money to the attendees. We are glad to share the top trends that shaped the event industry last year.


Technology until the previous year was more strong and developed in the business world. The more the developed technology more is the effective results towards business and its marketing. Usage of Amazon Alexa / Google Home or smart speaker/ voice assistant during your event came into existence now which made the process easier and time booster.

2.  More organized approach

Event organizers should be keen and pre-planned about the event. Therefore, event marketing has turned out to be more experimental and intent-driven. Organizers leveraged the potential of advanced technology to target the right audience. Digital marketing is still a leading way to connect potential audiences. Event organizers have stopped considering it as a separate domain and it now forms the core of overall marketing. Organizers also devised ways to leverage social media channels. Live streaming made the events accessible even to the remote audience.

3. Digital Safety

While digital safety was a major debate of 2018, 2019 witnessed its on-ground applications. The event industry was quick enough to respond to the privacy issue. Event professionals chose to comply with the new rules than risk huge fines. Not just data safety, but venue security is also a crucial part of the entire business event.

4. Beyond just apps

The more usage of social media more is the competition to reach towards the peopleThe year of 2019 witnessed many event organizers operated according to the several event apps. Thus, the Event app not only enhanced the branding of the event but also helped in the engagement of the audience, bringing them together for a conference, business meet-ups, etc. Therefore, organizers realized the importance of several event apps and made it a strategic element of their overall event planning.

The event industry this year will focus on giving a more personal experience to the attendees and sponsors. In addition to this, personal communications are more effective than virtual communication. Personal touch and face to face meetings at the events will hold their ground stronger than before and event networking apps will make it more engaging. Creating emotions and personalized experiences using technology will take the front seat for everyone. 

More and more millennials will be a part of the events which means that there will be variation in the pricing strategies. Hence people nowadays, don’t look for discounts anymore, instead, they pay for excellent experiences.